Q & A

Q: What is a typical session like?

A: Neurofascia relief will connect you with a (NFR) professional to book an appointment. Prior to your appointment an online consultation/assessment will be conducted to determine the best treatment possible. once your actual massage session is complete your massage therapist will schedule a follow-up re-assessment within 24-48 hours.

Q: Do I have to pay for the consultation and follow-up appointments?

A: No the consultation and follow-up appointments are complementary.

Q: can I avoid the consultation online? 

A: The consultation can be conducted by phone or 30min before the massage session. We typically try to  decrease the assessment time on the day of the appointment so that our clients have the full duration of hands on needed. Also because we specialize in working with individuals with  pain it's best to know in advanced if massage is contraindicated. Our therapists do a complete intake interview, this involves brief medical history, range of motion and orthopedic tests, online connection (telehealth) allows the therapist to make the necessary notes and adjustments prior to your appointment.

Q: What if I've already had a telehealth appointment with an (NFR) Therapist from your company, do I have to check-in every time I book an appointment?

A: No, our software is designed to keep your information on file for quick updates and processing. However, it's important to see how you're progressing, so your (NFR) therapist may do a quick assessment and re-assessment after each session.

Q: Why don't I have the option for a 30-60min session?

A: The duration of all our massage sessions are 70-90min, with 10 min set aside for set up and assessments. All appointments are mobile and we don't contract our therapists for anything less than that. 

Q: Because you are mobile, will the set-up time be deducted from my massage?

A: No, the therapist should arrive 10-15 min prior to set-up.